ธาม ไทยานนท์ – ธาม
B.Sc. (Sports Science), Chulalongkorn University
M.Sc. (Sports Science), Chulalongkorn University
He specializes in strength and conditioning, enhancing
athletic performance in many different sports. He has been
working in the sports science industry for more than 10 years
as a Personal Trainer, Educator, and Strength and
Conditioning Coach.
He currently works as a University Lecturer of the Sports and
Health Science Program at the School of Health Science, Mae
Fah Luang University. He is also a founder of COACH AND
which are a Facebook fan page, a website about sports
science knowledge as well as provide private training,
strength, and conditioning services.
Thai and English
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. (CSCS®)
Functional Range Assessment Specialist
Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist
ASCA Level 1 Accredited Coach
EXOS Certified Performance Specialist
Precision Nutrition Certified Coach Level 1
Functional Movement Screen Level 1 Certification
Further Information https://coachandcraft.com/about/tham-thaiyanont/